Saint Vincent de Paul Thousand Oaks
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Society of St Vincent de Paul
Thouand Oaks Conference



St Vincent de Paul Bundle Sunday

Bundle Sunday will be this coming Sunday September 29
from 8 am to 2 pm in the church parking lot
The St Vincent de Paul truck from Los Angeles
will be located next to the St Thomas Aquinas Parish Hall.
Clothing items are needed at this time
Your generosity will help support the charitable works
of the Los Angeles council.
Thank you for your support.


Thank you Food Share!

Thank you Food Share our Ventura County Food Bank that
contributes nutritious canned food, dairy, and fresh fruits and
vegetables for our weekly drive through food distributions!

Food Share distributes millions of pounds of food through several
food programs throughout Ventura County.

101 Cars and Coffee group event
benefits SVDP!

On November 12, 2022 the 101 Cars and Coffee Club hosted their
Wheels for Meals Food Drive and Car Show. The group delivered 145 bags
of food that was collected at their event to help fill our St. Vincent
de Paul pantry.
Thank you to all who participated and helped in this worthwhile event!

Do You Have a Fruit Tree

Our St Vincent de Paul pantry accepts donations of home grown fruit Friday and Saturday mornings
between 7 and 9 am. Our pantry is located at St Paschal Baylon Church, 155 East Janss Rd.
Thousand. Oaks.

St. Vincent de Paul Sees Chocolate

Our SVDP menbers were in front of the church after all the masses to sell Sees candy.
Our Sees fundraisers help us to collect funds for our charitable outreach work for
our community.

We Are A USDA Food Pantry
St Vincent de Paul Thousand Oaks
Conference is a 501(C)3 charity
of the United States Internal
Revenue Code.
Donations are deductable.

"This institution is an equal opportunity provider."

© 2024 All rights reserved



Contact Us
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Paschal Baylon Church
155 East Janss Rd
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
(805) 496-0222 ext. 109