Thank you
St Jude the Apostle Loaves and Fishes food drive
St Paschal Baylon School donated food and Thanksgiving baskets
St Paschal Baylon Religious Education Club food drive
Sunset Hills Country Club food drive
Cars and Coffee group food drive and monetary donation
Pinnacle Realty for Turkeys and dinner items
St Paschal Baylon Men's Club donated food gift cards
All the St Paschal Baylon parishioners who donated food and monetary contributions
St. Vincent de Paul members
From your generosity St. Vincent de Paul was able to give
96 turkeys and dinners to families
24 Thanksgiving baskets
193 families received food and gift cards at our drive through benefiting 736 individuals.
Thank you to all who participated in our Bundle Sunday September 29!!
The St Vincent de Paul truck
was filled with clothing and household items.
Your generosity will help support the charitable works
of the Los Angeles council.
Our next Bundle Sunday will be March 23rd 2025.
Thank you Food Share our Ventura County Food Bank that
contributes nutritious canned food, dairy, and fresh fruits and
vegetables for our weekly drive through food distributions!
Food Share distributes millions of pounds of food through several
food programs throughout Ventura County.
On November 12, 2022 the 101 Cars and Coffee Club hosted their
Wheels for Meals Food Drive and Car Show. The group delivered 145 bags
of food that was collected at their event to help fill our St. Vincent
de Paul pantry.
Thank you to all who participated and helped in this worthwhile event!
Our St Vincent de Paul pantry accepts donations of home grown fruit Friday and Saturday mornings
between 7 and 9 am. Our pantry is located at St Paschal Baylon Church, 155 East Janss Rd.
Thousand. Oaks.
Our SVDP menbers were in front of the church after all the masses to sell Sees candy.
Our Sees fundraisers help us to collect funds for our charitable outreach work for
our community.